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Saringan 2

Wednesday,4th March 2009

Yay !! we won 3rd place !! we beat blue house in tarik tali !! It felt sooooooooo good !!! And then i went to the lontar peluru place. They let us do 3 times and guess what??!! 3 times i did , 3 times the same distance , 44.6 . Hopefully ill win atleast number 1,2 or 3 . =DDD Okay so now my hand hurts like hell !!! I have a muscle-pull , but i put the muscle -pull cream and stuff but still it hurts !! ='(

Thursday,5th March 2009

I didn't go to school today couse my hand still hurts !! OWWWWWWWWW !!! ='(
And morrow ill be going to Kuantan but i hope morrow my hand will be alright !!
Bilah's | TNB