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I see my vision

So about today, everything was just fine. I finished my project kayu KH, i sprayed it black ! ;)
Everything was normal.... owh yeah, English was fun (like always!) we went to the Language lab and we played this board game 'wazza word'. Its fun !! Me, hayatie, wei yee, sook yin and amaris was in one team ! I love that game ! We were a unique team cause we used words that we learn in science, for an example, evaporation*me* and hydrogen *weiyee*. HAHAHA ! And first time Ina didn't come, proud of you *whatthehell*

Hmmmm..... that's about it !

Owh yeah, i cut my hair, hmmmm should have cut it shorter cause now is like D hot season !
Bilah's | TNB