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Today we all had a class photo session. And guess what?! when it was the posing time , i wasn't ready, I was talking to Areena !! So , well , i wasn't looking at the camera ....... hmmmm

Then Geo lesson Roeshan came and called us prefects ( me,hayatie and ina) and we had to do spot-check on the 2 saga,margosa and tanjung classes. And OMG i LOVE that white and gold phone !! it's soooo..... PREETY !! And the BEST part was i was suppose to hold everything !! I mean yes its a HUGE responbility but....... heehee !! =D

I came home , and ..................... errrr i don't really remember what happened , owh ya i slept ... HEE !!

Then at 9pm i went for my Science and now here i am !

Bye , Good Night !!


Bilah's | TNB