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It would be obvious to you guys that I'm sick if you read the post under THIS post. I really wanted to come to school today because i have to conduct, I'm not saying i like to conduct, ok,BUT some people will think that i purposely don't wanna come. And that's so not the truth maybe its just my fate/destiny *ha ha,whatever* to not to come to school today. I will come tomorrow, most probably.

Now I'm currently addicted to Down by Jay Sean ! Its so very catchy ! :D
This song gives me energy, for now only lah cause well I'm sick?

Ina invited me to her open house? today. But i don't think i'll be going because I'm going to my dad's family friend's house.

AND AND AND OMG ! I went to the doctor's yesterday and guess what??!! In 1 month i grew 4cm taller ! I used to be 166cm and now I'm 170cm. O.O
Bilah's | TNB