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Fun Saturday!!!

My mum woke me up at 9.15!! i couldn't wake up, i mean NO ONE could wake up!!so my mum threw water at everyone!! me the MOST!!! so i had to wake up couse wanna go to my granny's house.So i woke up with my eyes close and with my moody face.I went to the toilet and did my stuff.Then we all set in the car and drove smoothly.........after 30 minutes we reach my granny's condo.I L.O.V.E my granny's condo!! couse its sooooooo BEAUTIFUL,and LUV the PARK and the pool and everything!!Then later my cousins came.So we all ate our Branch ( breakfast + lunch ) mmmmmmmmm' then we all went to the park with deera and the Losers (meera and sabrina ) we played,played,played and played!! I Miss Being A Kid!! wait!! we are all still a kid,people!! HAHAHAHAHA!! then our parents asked us to come up for tea.So we did!! then we ate and all! then we elder ones , fiesa,me,nazia and farhan went to the park quietly couse we didn't want the younger ones to follow us!! so we took pictures and many more!! it was all muddy!! we all didn't care!! we took out slippers and all!! then at 5.oop.m. my mum called and said we have to go home, so we did its not.....its just...FINE!FINE! BAD!! we wash our legs at the swimming pool but our legs wasn't that muddy only got abit grass on it!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! the water was ice cold!! then fiesa started splashing water to nazia , so i quickly ran away so i wont get splash!! Then we all went back together!! IT WAS FUN FUN FUN AND FUN!!!

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Bilah's | TNB