Like every Wednesdays we (me,Nana,Danie,Naja,Anis,Turgas) go to 7-E to have our lunch .
Reka Cipta?
Well we had to draw a logo for Reka Cipta. Mine looked like a bedtime-rocket- story book , i mean mine was with a rocket ( yes rocket, we made one thats why i drew it) and with stars . HAHAHAHA !!
Well we 'continued' our camp , i mean there was suppose to be a like giving prize kinda thingy but it rained so they made it today. AND AND AND my patrol which is the FLAMING BREATH won as the BEST PATROL !! =D This is just FREAKINFREAKINFREAKIN COOL !! I got a Scout Award !! How cool is that?!!
Volley Ball?
I'm going for the camp !! =D
Then we (nana,danie,naja,anis,hayatie,turgas,wani,simreth,ezura) played OUR game. We made it up !! Volley Monkey ! =D It was DAMNFUN !! I became the monkey 2 or 3 times . HAHAHA !!
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