As you know, every Friday i have PJ and today is Friday, so yeah. At first, we, which is me, ina, nana, naja, anis, danielle, hayatie, wanie played football ! And Ina was individual, haha yeah she wants to be individual. After that, we played this game... hey ! we should give the game that we played a name right?! Well we'll think about it later. Well the game goes like this, first , one person is suppose to catch somebody and then the somebody and the first person will start catching more and more people and the last person who get catched is the winner. Well Danielle won !
My stomach hurt like hell ! :(
But i still played cause its worth ! Then, we were all just too exhausted so we sat beside the badminton field and gossiped. That's what we always do. Then PJ period was over and next was Sejarah. Then it was English, it was fun! We were suppose to do two circles , one in and other one out. I was in the 'in circle' . Then we were suppose to pick a pair and my first pair was Ina. We were suppose to tell our partner what happened today, from 6 until 10 ( eventhough it was only like 9.30 am) HAHA ! Then we kept on changing partners and i think i had the most partners. HAHA ! And when i was explaining my day to Rocky, Puan Naza said' Siti Nabilah, let the guy talk also' and i was like he is, *everyone laughed*. It was embarrassing.
After that we were told to sit at our respective places. Then Pn Naza asked me " So Nabilah did you remember anything?" and i was like YEAHH ! I said " Fatimah woke up late today, Hayatie's day was just normal, Sook Yin was also normal, Amaris brushed her teeth and and Rocky watched Japanese porn ! ( well that's what he told me, but of course he was joking !) He was like NOO ! And i was like, that's what you told me! HAHAHA !
Today recess me and Fahmi bought our VIP drinks and others want to copy us ! COPYCAT !!
Today was a funny and a fun day except the part that my stomach hurts !
At 3.30pm Danielle and Ina came to my house to do our Geography project ! We did our work, listened to music, gossiped ( how can we not, like seriously?) and EAT ! At 5pm i had tuition so Danielle and Ina did Geography project in my room. WAIT ! Correction Danielle was doing Geo project but Ina was playing computer games ! And then i came back, and they left around 6.45pm :)
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