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My mum's phone was missing for almost a week and today my mum decided to make an agreement since nobody bothered looking for it. The agreement was who finds it gets 50 bucks. So you know me, I WANT MONEY ! So i looked EVERYWHERE, I'm telling you everywhere ! From the beds to cars. I look under,on,beside every bed in the house but still no sign of the phone. Without giving up i went looking into vases in the house, climbed on tables and chairs. Then the sofas still no sign of it. Then i looked in the Unser car, i found everywhere but still cant find it. Then went looking for the phone in the Camry, i put my hands under the seats and all but still cant find. Then i was already tired so i sat and put my hands in the pocket and the phone was there ! I screamed so loud ! 'AMMI ! I FOUND YOUR PHONE' *running on the stairs* 'YOU OWE ME 50 BUCKS !'

So now I'm 50 bucks richer! Hahahaa, it might not be a big deal for some of you guys but at the end its my blog so my rules, my craps :D


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Bilah's | TNB