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I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

HEY ! :D

I'm bored to the max so i decided to blog since I'm feeling really lifeless now. Today was a good and bad day. Mostly good, i think.

So, woke up in the morning and went to school for a Scouts activity. Came home like 11.15am and got ready for the wedding Ohh, i went to Hunny Madu's wedding. It seems that her dad and my dad were/are close friends. My dad told me that when he lived in New York, Hunny Madu and her dad stayed with my dad for a while. At my dad's apartment.

Anywyass, the wedding was good. It was beautiful. She is so pretty ! I dint realized that. Ohh, and she is really nice, so is her husband. Hmmm, it was simply fun :)

I really love this picture :D

So pretty the decorationsss

0 thoughts ?:

Bilah's | TNB